
I’m pretty proud of my puns. Ha ha ha. But really, I’m proud of putting myself on the shelf for once.

The past year has been incredibly busy. After working my first full-time job last January to juggling three national organizing committee roles (it’s an AIESEC thing *wink*) until June to finally graduating and wearing that #Sablay2018. After a few months of rest, I started working again while juggling projects too – only this time, they were 3x my usual load.

While I wouldn’t recommend this, because believe me, it gets physically tiring – I haven’t given up any of those projects I’ve been working on. But before you go on lecturing me (please don’t be one of those people – love and support only), two things for you:

  1. Mama and Papa raised no quitter – so nope. This is what I want and I’m going after it… or else, I wouldn’t be the girl who won’t settle, would I?
  2. I realized that all it takes is a little shelf-care (self-care).

After weeks of trying to do everything – it wasn’t pretty – I finally decided to put myself on the shelf and allow myself to collect some dust.

It was a hard thing for me to do. I was still moving (like working, finishing up some client work, trying to tweet, etc.) but I also spent time away from social and unfortunately here. I had to take things one at a time.

I had three talks/workshops last October and *supposedly* November – but decided to cancel them because I had to give the month of November, at least weekends, to myself. Funny how that sounds like I’m filing a vacation leave or something.

And while I’m probably the nth person who finally re-discovers that SELF-CARE works like magic, I know that we’ve been taking it for granted.

We could all use some resting and dust-collecting, which is not a bad thing – at all.

The time I spent away also allowed me to:

  • Transition and learn the ways of working in my new job;
  • Have more refreshing and interesting conversations with friends and family;
  • Feed my soul (and tummy) with all things good like food (and if you’re asking seriously, some really good books);
  • And, finally, help me reflect on the past year (I call it a head-start to the whole New Year resolutions thing..)

It finally allowed me to find just the right balance in everything I’ve been doing and experiencing – now making me ready for whatever 2019 brings.

We don’t need to explain ourselves to why we need to rest. I just felt like sharing because some people DID ask and because I feel like reminding you that it happens to the best of us. Stop looking for excuses not to, and start taking care of yourself. 😛

See you in the clear year.

Love and light always,


2 replies on “Shelf-care

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